Street: Dietla 113
Zip code: 31-031 Kraków

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Choose a table, sit down, and make yourself comfortable.
The only one in Kraków and second in Poland (another in Europe) unique pizza oven combined with the highest quality of Italian ingredients only are guarantors of an unforgettable culinary feast. Because pizza is not only a flat cake!

In our bar you will find an entire range of world’s finest alcohols, original drinks in attractive prices, and a delicious coffee. Many types of beer for connoisseurs.

Restaurant Incredibile open 24/7. | FREE PARKING - WE INVITE!


We serve breakfast from 7.00 to 11.00 a.m.


Buffet Pancakes with cottage cheese Omelette with cheese and ham Omelette with cheese and ham Buffet Buffet Toasted bread with cheese and ham Pancakes with cottage cheese Buffet Buffet Scrambled eggs Buffet Buffet Buffet Scrambled eggs Buffet